an integrative, precision nutrition approach to

achieve optimal health, longevity and wellbeing

What is Integrative and Precision nutrition?

Integrative Nutrition represents a holistic, multidimensional approach centered around bridging the gap between an individual's dietary choices and the body's specific requirements for optimal functioning. This involves a thorough examination of the intricate connections between one's diet, lifestyle, genetics, psychology, and environment. By meticulously assessing both internal and external factors, we implement targeted interventions tailored to address each individual's unique needs.

Precision Nutrition takes personalization to the next level by customizing nutritional and lifestyle recommendations based on an individual's distinct genetic makeup. By decoding your genetic information, we offer precise advice to optimize health, address specific concerns, and unlock your body's potential for overall well-being.

Weight management

Attain sustainable weight management through a personalized approach. We take into account your individual metabolic profile, lifestyle, and dietary preferences to create a customized plan designed to help you achieve and sustain your ideal weight. Throughout the process, we ensure that your body undergoes proper detoxification as you shed weight, enabling you to both look and feel great.

Metabolic Disease

Combat metabolic diseases, encompassing disruptions in normal metabolism, through positive lifestyle changes. Our focus is on personalized strategies for managing blood sugar levels, blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol, fostering overall metabolic health for long-term well-being and disease prevention.

Anxiety, depression, insomnia

Discover integrative solutions for mental health challenges. Our approach combines genetic testing, personalized nutritional strategies, lifestyle modifications, and supportive guidance to help manage anxiety and depression, promoting a holistic sense of well-being.


Recognize the vital link between gut health and overall well-being. We address digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome through a personalized plan, identifying food sensitivities and managing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome to optimize gut health.

Thyroid disorders

Effectively manage thyroid conditions with precision. Our approach includes personalized nutrition plans to support thyroid function and address specific concerns related to thyroid disorders.


Harness the connection between nutrition and skin health. Our approach considers dietary factors influencing skin problems, offering guidance on managing conditions such as acne, rosacea, and eczema.

Heavy Metal Toxicity, Mold Toxicity, Environmental Toxicity:

Restore balance with our integrative solutions to detoxify from heavy metals, mold, and environmental toxins. We provide support to minimize their impact on your health.

Hormone Imbalance

Hormones act as your body's chemical messengers, playing a pivotal role in regulating mood, weight, stress management, skin health, gut health, and more. Our approach focuses on lifestyle modifications, stress management, and the incorporation of nutraceutical supplements.

infertility & PCOS

Explore integrative approaches supporting fertility. Tailored nutritional plans, lifestyle modifications, and comprehensive support aim to enhance reproductive health and increase the likelihood of conception.


Address autoimmune conditions through our integrative approach, focusing on modulating the immune system to function properly while investigating the root causes of conditions such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

Chronic Fatigue

Combat fatigue comprehensively by exploring potential nutritional deficiencies, lifestyle factors, and underlying causes. Our personalized plan aims to restore energy and vitality.

WORK WITH expressions nutrition

Functional lab interpretation

Take your health to the next level. Functional labs offer you the ability to implement diet and lifestyle choices that are specific to your needs. This is the ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

Nutrition counseling

Achieve your health goals and maintain an optimal state of health and wellbeing through virtual one-on-one or family nutrition counseling. My goal is to motivate, equip and empower you to achieve your health goals and maintain an optimal state of health and wellbeing

Meal planning

Customized, practical meal plans tailored to your individual needs, health goals, food preferences. Includes recipes and grocery list.

CREATe your state of ideal health and wellbeing

An Integrative plan designed for you that works

Through my integrative, precision nutrition approach, I’ll work alongside you to develop a comprehensive plan to achieve full body wellness—often combining the practices of nutrition, exercise, acupuncture, meditation, herbal remedies, and more. My goal is to equip you with the confidence, knowledge, tools and accountability to to accomplish and maintain ultimate health, wellbeing and longevity.

The power of nutrition

Nutrition and lifestyle have the ability to modify your genetic expression!

Your genes are not your destiny

Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Cancer, Obesity… these are among the top leading causes of disease and death. Yes, they may run in your family, but they are preventable!

Through proper diet, exercise, supplementation, sleep and health hygiene, YOU can choose the future of your health, regardless of your genetic makeup.

Precision nutrition

Precision nutrition takes into consideration your genetic makeup, current disease states, risk factors, food allergies and sensitivities, gut microbiome and more to equip you with specific tools to better your health and improve your longevity. If you want to be confident that you are making the right choices for your health, a personalized, evidence-based approach is right for you.

Schedule a consultation

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

— Hippocrates